Sunday, 31 August 2014

Progress Report

Unfortunately my Game Dev work has slowed to a crawl as I have several assignments due for University, but I should be more able to work on On Call Updates and new games soon.

I've done some planning for On Calls future updates and I've even started implementing them.

Stuff to expect in an update for On Call within the coming weeks:

  • Hold L1 to look down sights
  • Fully re-balanced and tweaked controls for faster, more accurate and tighter movement on foot and in space
  • Triple the amount of asteroids
  • Cleaner Pause menu
  • No more performance or quality mode. Ive rather optimized each level for individual levels of MSAA to maintain 60fps
  • FoV changes when you look down sights
  • Faster Bullet speeds
  • Added textures
  • Added more reflective substances
  • Fixed bugs
  • Improved performance
  • FoV is dynamic in space and gets larger when you are moving faster and slower when moving slower
  • Took out annoying turrets (will replace them with story content)
  • Ship now takes damage on collision with objects in space

Stuff I'm working on for this update and future updates (In no specific order, expect quicker things in the sooner updates)

  • Multiplayer (at first it will be simple dog-fighting in space, later on foot)
  • optimizing again for even more stable 60fps
  • A prologue of before the Officer is sent to space with 2 new levels where the enemies are rebel mercenaries with several AI routines for on the ground combat
  • 2 new weapons, an assault rifle and a shotgun
  • Replacing the spiders with rebel mercenaries
  • Redesigning the Crew and engine levels
  • Adding more story content, such as events that happen in space and on nearby planets
  • 2 Planets with larger levels, one reminiscent of Ratchet and Clank, an open level with multiple spokes and one reminiscent of Far Cry 3 (but on a far far far smaller scale)
  • A bar level where the player will get Intel for the side story
  • A side story
  • Replacing the target practice areas with better side missions (As they suck)
  • Adding more things to do at the Space station, like playing mini-games on a tv and a target practice area there
  • Overhauling the Upgrades to rather let the player pick how to spent them, as its currently automatic and thus doesn't feel rewarding or like it does anything
  • Adding a new level to the arcade mode, this time on foot instead of in space. It will be like a hoard mode using the new AI system that Im writing for ground combat with the rebel mercenaries
I hope to have the next update Uploaded to Sony within a week or two, which means that Sony will have the update for 1-2 weeks before they will upload it to you guys... I hope you enjoy the update when it comes out. Let me know if there's anything else I should look into adding / changing. In the end, these updates strive to make On Call the game I envisioned it to be, but since with have no budget, a tiny team of just me and a story / sound guy (my brother) and hardly any time, progress is slow. Hope you understand.

Some shots showing the new dynamic FoV in space according to speed and larger asteroid population:

Small FoV, LOW speed:

Large FoV, HIGH speed:

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

On Call Patch

Its been brought to my attention that the update is not visible on the PS Vita.

I've checked on this and the only way to download the patch is to go to the PSM store and hit the download button, it will download the update and install it from there... A little odd that its not on the game itself and its inconvenient that you will need to get the patch through the PSM store and not the game icon, but there's nothing we can do about the way patches are deployed to PSM games, sorry about the confusion.

Hope this helps and hope you enjoy the patch.

On Call - Patch 1.01

After 2 weeks of waiting, the 1.01 patch is live today!

Just a reminder, it fixes a bucket load of issues:

  • Made new, more professional buttons
  • Simplified the HUD
  • Added better control images in the menu
  • Changed visual feedback for ammo
  • Added glow around the illuminated parts of the gun according to requests from player feedback
  • Fixed AI bugs on Bridge and Crew levels
  • Fixed AI bugs on Arcade level
  • Added several more routines to Arcade level AI
  • Vastly improved path-finding on Arcade level AI
  • Tweaked stats and values for Arcade level
  • Added player requested features for Arcade level
  • Added gun sway, idle and walk animations
  • Tweaked timing of end credits
  • Tweaked location and health of rebel ship to prevent audio glitch
  • Fixed typo
  • Re-baked shadows at higher resolution
  • Fixed GUI objective information glitch
  • Fixed several other small glitches
  • Improved game play according to player feedback
  • Added clearer, less blurry banner Image
  • Added new screens that reflect the changes made in the patch

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

2.5D Platformer

We're busy working on a 2.5D platformer called: "Finding Me" at the moment. I've mentioned it before, but I wanted to show off the latest build that we have running... This build is made to run on the Vita at native resolution, 60fps so it does differ from the early conceptual screen I posted earlier.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Game Dev Woes

So It would seem as if Sony take an entire 2 weeks to deploy patches on PSM... So I can send them a patch every 5min, but they will only roll out that first patch an entire 2 weeks later, so patching is just really not viable. Therefor I think the next patch should be bigger than just tweaks and bug-fixes... Maybe an extra level and a price drop? Seeing as this patch would only come out in about 4 weeks thanks to Sony's painstakingly slow updating of their store.

On top of that, I'm struggling to find time to do honest dev now that classes are in full swing and I'm working to pay off uni... So that's always a fun challenge. Oh and I lost my new phone on a buss yesterday.

With all the bad stuff going round, I'm just hoping its my turn to get some good stuff... Till then Ill be working harder than I ever have before, pushing myself to be the Dev that I want to be, cos if you work hard and push yourself, you will get better and be rewarded.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Finding Me

Working on a smaller, less ambitious indy platformer at the moment.

Its about a robot that has been left at the dump and longs for nothing more than to find its lost parts... We hope to craft a more touching yet lighthearted game that is still beautiful to look at and fun to play.

Here's a sneak peek at the first level. Its still just a working title and everything is still conceptual... So don't expect anything to remain the same.

Saturday, 9 August 2014


After watching Guardians of the Galaxy, I had the urge to make a really quick concept sculpt of a space mask. I wanted it to look almost like a robot's face mixed with a WW2 gas mask.

Its not the best thing I've ever done, but the idea was to do a super fast concept mock-up. I ended up only taking about 30min, which isn't bad, bust still not great.

Thursday, 7 August 2014


I decided to practice my sculpting today and spent a few hours on this... I know its not much, but like everything I'm doing, its far better than last time ;) Its a good feeling to be learning and getting better.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

On Call Patch 1.01 news

We've successfully updated the game and now its being tested over at Sony, the update will only be downloadable once Sony have tested and reviewed it, which will take 1 or 2 days.

For now the current version is completely playable, just expect a decent upgrade in a few days ;)

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

On Call Patch 1.01 Screenshot comparison

Seeing as we are having trouble uploading the new patch (we're working hard at resolving the issues) I thought I'd upload some pictures to show the new updated GUI and HUD...

Other fixes include numerous AI improvements and fixes for AI glitches, higher resolution shadows, gun sway / walk / idle animations... Its a pretty decent patch... Hope its out soon. Old screens are on top, New screens are on the bottom.

On Call Patch 1.01 Gameplay

Here's some gameplay from the patch that we are working on.

The improvements in the gui, button images, hud, shadow resolution and AI are really great and so I hope that the patch is out sooner rather than later.

We have reached out to Sony and other PSM devs to see if they know why we are having the issues we have with uploading the patch, hopefully its resolved soon.

Nothing is broken in version 1.00, but version 1.01 is a lot more professional and I feel its nicer... We apologize that it didn't release at 1.01, but we are a small developer with no funding and little time, so we hope you are understanding. We are working as hard as we can to ensure you guys have a blast playing this ;)


On Call

The day has come!

On Call is now available on PS Vita from the PSM Store!

We are trying to update the game to include the fixes that have been done from player feedback, but have run into a roadblock of sorts... Hopefully we will have the update live soon, luckily there's nothing game-breaking that needs to be fixed, but rather just tweaks...

On the Australian Store it sits at $4.35 which is not bad, but considerably higher than the $2.94 that we were hoping for.

Hope you enjoy the game and hope that the patch is out as soon as possible, Ill be devoting all my time to it ;)

Friday, 1 August 2014

On Call Update

Had to take new screenshots for the 1.01 patch, so that the screens on the store match what you will be playing... Also updated the sale banner to be far less blurry.

Keep in mind that the Vita's resolution is 960x544, so these screens look incredibly clear on the actual Vita screen as the game runs at native resolution with 4xMSAA