Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Progress Report - The world

We've been working real hard on making the first playable area for our new game. Once that area is complete we will upload a demo for everyone to be able to play and find out what the game is like.

The demo will be complete in a few weeks and we look forward to seeing what everyone has to say about it. For now though, I'll just leave some more work in progress screenshots.

Again, nothing is final and most of it is unfinished at this point (like the white squares as place markers for assets yet to be created), but hopefully you will get an idea of the atmosphere we are aiming for.

EDIT: I've also been working on the GUI / HUD for the game, and this is what I have so far.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Another Sneak Peek

This time I'm showing of the shop area for the new game!

Its still in development, so its not final or anything, but its coming along well! Soon we will show off some gameplay, as well as talk about what the game is and what you do in it.

This area is just the shop where the player can buy items and / or upgrade those items. The code is all but done, as well as the level. Now I just need to finish the Shopkeeper's mesh/animations and the GUI.

We are working extremely hard on this project and I hope it shows. Once again, we hope to show more soon! Hope you guys enjoy!

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

PSM - The future

I've just found out that PSM is being discontinued, so my job has become a whole lot harder.

Firstly, as consumers, you should download any PSM games you wish to keep before it is closed later this year:

Secondly, this is a double edged sword... This means we will be moving over to Unity 5, which is great. The bad side is that we will need to become registered PS developers and hope that we are lucky enough to get funding or a loaner dev kit.

In summary. Life is now harder for a small developer like us, we will need to rely on things like kick-starter and Sony's loaner dev kits, its tougher, but not impossible.

Thanks for all your support, we are planning on showing off our new game extremely soon.